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So you have found the hidden contest, congratulations!!! :)
Seeing as Christmas is near (I don't personally celebrate Christmas, but it's as good an occasion to give away stuff as any) and also to promote smoking ;) I am giving away free premium RS accounts.
But of course you have to earn it. Because nothing in this world is free - even freedom has a price. So here are the rules:
1st person who gives me
the names of all four actresses in the above banner gets premium RS account for
4 months.
1st person who gives me the names of
3 out of 4 gets premium RS account for
3 months.
1st person who gives me the names of
2 out of 4 gets premium RS account for
2 months.
1st 5 people who give me the names of
1 out of 4 get premium RS account for
1 month.
And before you start bitching about how it's impossible for you to know their names 'cause you don't watch B&W movies, they are so old and boooring, well, I only have this to say: tough luck.
Send me your answer at thenakedgift at yahoo dot ca
Subject: Smoking Is Good
I know some of you are going to try to cheat, but, to tell you the truth, I don't really care :)