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IMDBSwedish actress Izabella Scorupco is extremely upset. She played the movie “Sun Storm” (Solstorm), based on a crime novel by Asa Larsson, together with actor Mikael Persbrandt. The movie was first shown i Sweden in November 2007.
In the movie, Izabella Scorupco - elected as the most sexy woman in Sweden in a vote by Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet - has hot sex with Mikael Persbrandt on a kitchen table. A small part of this is shown in the movie.
On the newly released DVD, however, four and a half minutes of sex is included as background material - with the title “the sex scene”. The actress is upset because she had not been asked or informed about this in advance from imagethe movie company.
When asked about this by Aftonbladet, the producer Lena Rehnberg says that the scene was included on the DVD because is was a “freaking good scene” (skitbra, in Swedish).
-- Source
So, after watching it, I guess I know why Izabella Scorupco was upset: in this scene, only her bare left breast and left thigh were shown. This really upsets the balance of things and threatens to destroy existence as we know it. On top of that, the clip comes with NO audio. Strange.
By the way, fans of "The name is Bond. James Bond" may remember Izabella Scorupco as the sexy Russian programmer in
Golden Eye.
If someone know of a better clip, please let me know. I'll give you one million theoretical dollars.
Thanks go to the visitor who asked me about this clip, else I wouldn't have known about it. Downloaded it from another site, credits to the original ripper/uploader.
Download whole movie:
(links active as of August 31, 2009)
Download clip: File : 39 MB), duration: 0:03:41, type: AVI, 0 audio stream
Video : 39 MB, 1504 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 720*312), Divx v5,