Moon: I'm not gonna wait until I die to find out if there is reincarnation. We can reincarnate while we live, right?
Whatever the hell that means, I agree with it. I mean, look at those tits!!

Beautiful Ukrainian actress Juliette Marquis delivered a tastylicious performance as a porn star in This Girl's Life, a film about, well, you know, a porn star and her musings on life, love, loss and stuff. The reviews are very positive and after skimming through, I found it interesting so I guess I am going to add this movie to my to-watch list, which is about ten miles long by now.
Note: again this is a Russian rip with great video quality. Two audio tracks: Russian and English. For those who are bandwidth-challenged, there is probably a smaller size rip somewhere, just google for it.
Download the clip:
File : 37 MB, duration: 0:05:33, type: AVI, 1 audio stream
Video : 32 MB, 818 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 608*352 (16:9), XVID
Audio : 5.08 MB, 128 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, MP3, CBR