To celebrate the 400th post, here is the infamous un-simulated fellatio scene from the controversial Brown Bunny, although I have to say I don't see any thing remotely controversial about a girl giving her lover head. Not to mention the fact that French actress Chloë Sevigny and Vincent Gallo was a real-life couple at the time. So, yeah, she gives him a real, passionate, loving blowjob on screen, so what? Sex is an integral part of life and anybody who says bad things about sex in movies is a fucking hypocrite.
I have to admit, I love that scene. Makes me feel like a voyeur, which is good :) It's long and it looks real, it feels real. It IS real.
Here are a few interesting and funny facts, from AllExperts:
It is believed that the explicit final scene was the reason for Gallo's originally-cast actresses, first Kirsten Dunst and then Winona Ryder, to have been fired or walked out. Sevigny, already known for taking on controversial roles, had been a real-life girlfriend of Gallo's. Notably, after the film's release, the William Morris Agency dropped her as a client, claiming the scene made her unmarketable; she quickly signed with another agency and has continued her acting career despite fears to the contrary.
Upon his return to America, however, Gallo took a defiant stance, defending the film and denying his apology. A war of words then erupted between Gallo and popular critic Roger Ebert, with Ebert writing that The Brown Bunny was the worst film in the history of Cannes, and Gallo retorting by calling Ebert a "fat pig with the physique of a slave trader." Ebert then responded, paraphrasing a statement once made by Winston Churchill that "one day I will be thin, but Vincent Gallo will always be the director of The Brown Bunny." Gallo then claimed to have put a hex on Ebert's colon, cursing the critic with cancer. Roger Ebert then replied that enduring his colonoscopy would be more entertaining than watching The Brown Bunny.
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