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IMDBI am sure Stanley Kubrick's final masterpiece needs no introduction. As a final parting gift, the revered director bestowed upon us some awesome albeit brief views of
Nicole Kidman's T&A.
This stunning psychological drama about sex and fidelity is also (unsurprisingly) subject to some controversies which really are nothing but a fucking joke. Check this out:
-Citing contractual obligations to deliver an R rating, Warner Bros. digitally altered the orgy for the American release, blocking out graphic sexuality by inserting additional figures to obscure the view, avoiding an adults-only NC-17 rating that limited distribution, as some large American theaters and video store operators disallow films with that rating. (From
Behold, then, the computer-generated naked chicks who block the view of a man and a woman having sex on a table. No genitalia is visible and the scene is brief, yet they have seen fit to digitally altered it.
Rated version:

Unrated version:

-While American censorship attempted to control the sexuality, complaints came from offended members of the Hindu community. The American Hindus Against Defamation wrote to Warner Brothers requesting they change the voice-over chant that plays as Bill Harford wanders from room to room at the mansion. According to the AHAD, "the background music subsides and the shloka (scriptural recitation) from the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most revered Hindu scripture is played out." But, in reality, a Tamil love song (Ithu kadala, ithu naragama?, meaning Is it love, is it hell?) was being played — never any shloka or Hindu prayers. (
From Wikipedia)
It seems you can't make a big movie nowadays without some groups of people protesting about one thing or another. I myself believe Stanley Kubrick's goal sure as fuck was not to defame the Hindu people with his movie. The master surely had far
greater things on his mind.
In the interest of..hmm..academic studies, I am presenting two versions of the film: the Fullscreen Unrated edition (DVD-rip) and the Rated Widscreen edition (pprobably a Blu-Ray rip).
Note that in the Unrated Fullscreen version, the scene where Nicole Kidman stands naked in front of a mirror was zoomed in, so you actually see less of her buttocks than in the Rated Widscreen version.


Overall, the rated WS version has better quality video and a fuller view of Nicole's lovely rump, so it's the one to watch.
Scenes in the clip:
-All nude scene of Nicole Kidman.
-Scenes of Julienne Davis overdosed then in the morgue.
-The orgy scene
Download the full rated wide screen rip
Download the
Rated Widescreen clip: : 178 MB, duration: 0:14:35, type: AVI, 1 audio stream
Video : 138 MB, 1323 Kbps, 23.976 fps, 704*384 (16:9), XVID
Audio : 40 MB, 384 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 5 channels, AC3, CBR,
Unrated Fullscreen clip: File : 128 MB, duration: 0:13:58, type: AVI, 1 audio stream
Video : 114 MB, 1148 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 512*384 (4:3), XVID
Audio : 13.97 MB, 139 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, MP3, VBR,