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IMDBI am sure if you like watching TV shows at all then you probably know of
Weeds. If you don't, do yourself a favor and watch it. It's a lot of fun, guaranteed.
Here are a few clips in which the supremely sultry
Mary-Louise Parker is nude.
Season 4, Episode 8: I Am The TableMary and her drug boss watch two animals mate, which incites them to do some vigorous mating of their own.

Season 4, Episode 13: If You Work for a Living, Why Do You Kill Yourself Working?What a great title!! And great titties, too!!
Mary is taking a bath. In walks her brother-in-law and they have a little chit-chat.

Season 5, Episode 9: Suck 'N' SpitMary's breasts are swollen with milk, so she tells her brother-in-law "I am engorged, it hurts. I need you to suck it out". He obligingly complies but swallows instead of spitting it out like he was told. This eventually leads to the brother-in-law himself being engorged so he asks Mary to suck it out but sadly that is just wistful thinking on his part.

[Oh my God, you swallowed!!!]
The post-sucky conversation is pretty hilarious.
Incidentally, this reminds me of a short story by Guy De Maupassant which I read when I was a child and jerked off to. I mean, there wasn't any porn material where I grew up so I had to find my pleasure in books. It was a prehistoric time when kids couldn't just download porn off the Internet anytime they wanted. It's titled
Idyll and tells the erotic and humane story of two train passengers. The young man was hungry and the woman was painfully full of milk. The man asked the woman to breast-feed him. In the end, they both got what they wanted: his hunger sated and her pain eased.
The link I have given previously wasn't the complete story. For that I owe you many apologies. Consequently, I have spent half an hour searching for a complete English translation of
Idylle but couldn't find any. What the heck?
The original French version is readily available for those of you who speak French. here you can find lots of Guy De Maupassant's original short stories and selected writings, in
English: However,
Idyll is not among those works. There is a conspiracy afoot and I blame the Illuminati.
Interesting trivia: despite the fact that John Steinbeck claimed he never read the story, it has been suggested that the concluding scene of
Grapes of Wrath was influenced by Guy De Maupassant's
"Idylle" (1884), which contains a description of a wet nurse breast-feeding a hungry man. Steinbeck owned a copy of Maupassant's
The Complete Short Stories (1903), but
"Idylle" is not among the stories in that collection. In addition, Steinbeck wrote to Pascal Covici in 1939 that he had never read that story.
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