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IMDBNaked Lies. It's one of those catchy movie titles that almost seems to mean something but when you really think about it, it's just nonsense. If there exist
naked lies, does that mean there also are
clothed lies?
Scantily-clad lies?
Upon hours of meditation, I have finally achieved a state of temporary enlightenment and found an explanation for that title: when you ask a woman "Did you come?" and she says "Oh, yes" and then you ask "Was I good?" and she says "You were wonderful. You are the best!!" or "You have such a great penis!!" Those, my friend, are the
naked lies. Not all lies are bad. Naked lies are especially good for our manhood. It's like religion, really. Deep down, a rational man knows it's bullshit, but wants to believe it anyway.
On another note, there is not much bare tits from Shannon Tweed in this film. Was she on a nudity diet? Did she find Jesus and suddenly got shy about baring those melons of her? Where was the wild abandon?
Shortage of Tweed-breasts aside, there are still some good sex scenes here, featuring
Mineko Mori who has a great body and look. Who is she? Where does she come from? That, I do not know.
I am so inspired by the nakedness of all this, I even made a
haiku, for your reading (dis)pleasure:
Naked is Shannon
Moaning and riding her man
But we don't see much
Her name promised us
Plenty of her tits and ass
They were naked lies
And before say "Dude, you suck, it doesn't even rhyme!!" FYI, haiku don't have to rhyme. So it's perfect for dudes like me :)
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