It wouldn't entirely true to say they don't make movies like this anymore, because they still do make low-budget B-movies. But it just doesn't feel the same, if you know what I mean.
Those cheesy, silly flicks from the 80's, man, they were just the best. Bad acting, unintentionally funny plot and dialogue, cheap special effects, scantily-clad gals and gratuitous nudity. Those were the good times!!
Of course, I was only a toddler back in the 80's but what the heck. Borrowed nostalgia can sometimes be just as good as the real deal, especially after you downed half a bottle of vodka.
OK so here you got a nice blonde chick who takes her bra off in order to distract the robots guarding her. Those are indeed strange robots who are partial to bare-chested women.
Later, she pretends to have sex with a guy, and then they do it for real. Why not? When you are kept prisoners and your keepers are kind enough to give you a nice room and a comfy bed, what would a man and a woman do to pass the time?
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