Nude for Satan (heavy emphasis on nude) is the epitome of bad movies. I believe the film came straight from Hell itself, the special Hell reserved for bad actors, for there can be no other reasons for all the horrible acting.
And the plot is outright indecipherable, so much so you may be tempted to think there is a subliminal message somewhere in there, the kind that works on your subconscious and makes you kill yourself afterward as a punishment for having actually watched the entire film.
On the other hand, it has tons of hardcore sex and explicit nudity, so all is forgiven.
Reportedly, the film was seen by all of 500 people when it was shown in theaters.
Special thanks to the user on Cinemageddon who brought us this great rip. I'm sure Satan has already reserved a special place for you in Hell.
On the menu:
-Oral stimulation of the tool used to wean and convert lesbians and virgins into useful, productive members of society (also called Fellatio)

-Oral stimulation of a very small and sometimes hard-to-find but extremely important part of the female anatomy, whose existence is, contrary to popular belief, not entirely fictional (also called Cunnilingus)

-(Un)reproductive acts between females (also called Lesbo Love)

-Summer of '69

-Close-up shots of the unshaved exterior of the canal in a human female mammal that leads from the uterus to the external orifice of the genital canal (also called the Vulva)

-Close-up shots of the human male secondary brain (also called the Penis)

-Not entirely healthy contact between the anus or perineum of one person and the mouth (lips) or tongue of another (also called a rim job)

-Improper use of (thankfully unlit) candles.

-People pretending to be Scissors

-And more...
File : 198 MB, duration: 0:24:41, type: AVI, 1 audio stream
Video : 180 MB, 1021 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 688*288, XVID
Audio : 18.29 MB, 103 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, MP3, CBR,
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