
It's cannibal attack, again. This time, a group of students provide the meat for the obligatorily deformed flesh eaters. Think Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Think The Hills Have Eyes.
This indie horror is actually not bad, not bad at all. Entertaining and well done enough to warrant a view.
True to its tag line - "Eat or be eaten" - the movie treats us to a nice scene in the woods that have two people taking turn to "eat" each other. If anything, it made me hungry for some female human flesh ;)
If you are truly hungry for a good horror movie, though, check out the new release of "Color from the Dark (2008). One of the best horror films I have seen in ages. Definitely a must-see.
File : 22 MB, duration: 0:02:22, type: AVI, 1 audio stream
Video : 20 MB, 1210 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 640*352 (16:9), XVID
Audio : 2.21 MB, 131 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, MP3, VBR,
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