The most vividly rendered feeling, suggested by the film’s title, is desire: for human blood, for sexual release and also for something purer and more soothing. Sang-hyun, despite his vampirism (which follows his voluntary infection with a disfiguring tropical virus), clings to a sense of righteousness and decency. Instead of maiming or killing innocent people, he discreetly slurps from the intravenous tube of an overweight patient in a hospital coma ward. Later on, when his appetite (and that of his lover) grows, Sang-hyun proposes turning to assisted suicide rather than outright murder. Even his sexual hunger is shadowed by guilt and colored by tenderness as much as lust.
-- NY Times Review
If you're dying for a really good vampire movie, Thirst will sate your hunger :)
Forget Twilight, that movie was designed to wet teenyboppers' panties, nothing more. Bakjwi aka Thirst (2009), while not as good as Chan-wook Park's Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance and Old Boy, is still a hundred times more interesting than Twilight.
It's about a priest who inadvertently becomes a vampire. Then he falls in love with an insatiable young girl.
Thirst might not be the greatest vampire movie ever made (it is certainly not the most coherent) but there is something utterly unique and unsettling about the way it is presented, performed and considered. A note in the press material reveals that Thirst is loosely based on Emile Zola’s ‘Thérèse Raquin’. The reference would have passed me by, but the book is about a murderous marital affair and an interfering mother-in-law. More so than the narrative skeleton, Park seems to have been inspired by a note Zola made in the preface to the novel, where the writer explains his goal was to “study temperaments, not characters”. There is more here than mere blood-soaked fun and games. The clue to Park’s film is in the title. Thirst is about sensation, need and appetite.
-- Confession of a film critic
If you fancy yourself a serious movie buff, check this film out. I won't be surprised if we see a Hollywood remake of Thirst next year, probably with Josh Hartnett as the priest. I can only shudder at the thought.

Korean actress Ok-vin Kim is cute and has lovely, milky tits that are more than OK.
Only boobs are seen (and a flash of butt). Great sex scenes.
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