Bijou Phillips

Rachel Miner
Another brilliant drama by Larry Clark. Again, it's about messed-up teenagers who live like they have no future. The fucked-up thing is those kids, they ain't poor. They don't live in a ghetto, they aren't immigrants. Their parents are wealthy and they drive nice cars. They spend their times getting high and fucking. One of them is a big bully who repeatedly humiliates and assaults another guy. One day, his victim's girlfriend decides "enough of this shit" and assembles a team of losers, stoners and would-be gangsters to get rid of the bully. This is based on a true story.
As could be expected from a Larry Clark movie, there are lots of titties on display here. Bijou Phillips and Rachel Miner burn up the screen with their youthful naked bodies. Great nudity, nice sex.
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File : 100 MB, duration: 0:08:52, type: AVI, 1 audio stream
Video : 94 MB, 1487 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 592*320 (16:9), XVID
Audio : 5.85 MB, 92 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, MP3, VBR,
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