That old black magic has me in its spell
That old black magic that you weave so well
Those icy fingers up and down my spine
That same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine

Marie crawls out of a cave and comes out of a...I am not telling, watch the movie and see for yourself :)
Marie (Eline Kuppens) is a dedicated track athlete. One day, she suddenly collapses due to an infection in her immune system, and is forced to rest. She meets Bobby (Matthias Schoenaerts) , a handsome archer and soon moves into his flat in Left Bank district of the Belgian port town of Antwerp. The Left Bank itself is a district just outside Antwerp where exiles and lepers used to live in medieval times. Life and sex seem good until Marie discovers that the previous tenant of the flat, a woman, has mysteriously disappeared. As Marie explores her environment, she discovers a dark and ancient side to the Left Bank district, and a secret society linked to witchcraft. -- from Quiet Earth
I have been on a steady diet of horror movies for the last several days. I re-watched some of my favorites: The Descent, Severance, Stir of Echoes and discovered some great new gems: El Orfanato, A Tale of Two Sisters, and lastly: Linkeroever aka Left Bank (2008), a terrific horror movie from Belgium. The last time I saw a Belgian horror flick it was Calvaire aka The Ordeal (2004), which was excellent. You can get it here, by the way.
With Left Bank, the Belgian filmmakers served up yet another beautifully shot, deliciously dark, chilling psychological mystery. It's very similar to Rosemary's Baby in tone and atmosphere. It's slow-paced but the patient viewer will be rewarded with a great story, suspenseful and thought-provoking, completed with an awesome ending. If you want something different than torture porn a la Hostel and Saw, this one is for you. Check out Let The Right One In, too, if you haven't already. Most original vampire film I have seen in years!!
Nudity: Belgian actress Eline Kuppens has a frolicking good time on the floor with her boyfriend. We are very happy, too!!
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