Girls who put out are tramps. Girls who don't are ladies. This is, however, a rather archaic usage of the word. Should one of you boys happen upon a girl who doesn't put out, do not jump to the conclusion that you have found a lady. What you have probably found is a Lesbian.
~ Fran Lebowitz

An uptight and conservative woman who teaches literacy at a Christian school falls in love with a free-spirited, liberal chick and learns to loosen her pussy.
Critics' opinions are rather divided on When Night Is Falling. Some praise it, some say it sucks. Personally I haven't seen it so no unconstructive, smart-ass comment on my part. Check it out if the subject interests you.
“Women who love women are Lesbians. Men, because they can only think of women in sexual terms, define Lesbian as sex between women.”
~ Rita Mae Brown
Word. What good is a lesbian film if there ain't no interaction between two pussies? There are two lesbian scenes in the film, one long, one short. The long scene is pretty artsy-fartsy, meaning it's all close-up shots and shadows and we don't see much. The short one focuses on Pascale Bussières's face and right breast.
While the nudity and sex in the film are far from being explicit, it is still very watchable.
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