Loosely based on the erotic Chinese tale The Carnal Prayer Mat (published in 1634), this Hong Kong production is one of the most witty and enjoyable films to emerge from that country. It is a work of full blown erotica, something that is relatively rare in mainstream cinema. This is not cheap, badly lit video footage shot in someone’s bedroom from three angles at once – this film has top production values and is gorgeously lit. It even has a story.
Some of the sequences on display are breathtaking in their eroticism – like the sequence where a woman places morsels of food inside herself and masturbates the hero with a loaf of bread; or that of the hero’s wife painting Chinese characters using a paintbrush placed inside her vagina; and in one extraordinary sequence two women pleasing themselves together, humping buttock to buttock using a flute placed in their mutual vaginas.
And moreover the film has the courage to balance its erotica out with humour. This all comes in the frothy, dizzy style characteristic of Hong Kong cinema. The penis transplant sequence is an hilarious comedy of mishaps – the difficulties in knocking the donkey out in time, the doctor accidentally anaethetizing his own hands, a storm coming that turns the doctor into a maniac, the severed donkey’s penis being sent flying and impaling itself in the servant’s mouth, the dog eating the hero’s penis after it has been removed. The film with its free and light-hearted attitude has a lack of self-consciousness in its erotica that easily puts the guilt-ridden sensationalism of American contemporaries such as Basic Instinct (1992) and Color of Night (1994) to shame. The film does lecture the hero about the Buddhist cycle of karma at the end for his selfish ways, but the tone here is clearly unserious.
There was a sequel Sex & Zen II (1996) but this fairly much abandoned connection to this film, becoming a much more overtly fantastical film with characters facing demonic sex-changing chameleons. This was followed by a further unrelated entry Sex and Zen III (1998), which contains no fantasy elements and is regarded as the weakest of the series.
Last updated: Saturday, 13 September 2008 -- Source
The original Sex and Zen is, imho, simply the best Chinese erotic movie ever made. It looks gorgeous; the lead actresses are eye-candy, especially Amy Yip; it has a humorous story and it contains many scenes of great eroticism. But of course I have just repeated everything that was said in the above review :)
The reason I have waited for so long before putting up this clip is because it was so damn hard to find a good copy of the film. Thanks to UncleMeat on KG, I finally got a beautiful rip that does the film justice.
If and when I have time, I am going to upload the whole movie. But it's not today.
http://www.multiupload.com/XPSW0YJ1KC (part 1)
http://www.multiupload.com/8GQQCUXADD (part 2)
File : 223 MB, duration: 0:22:28, type: AVI, 1 audio stream
Video : 210 MB, 1311 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 656*352 (16:9), XVID
Audio : 12.38 MB, 77 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 1 channels, MP3, VBR,
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