Aprimi il cuore aka Open My Heart (2002) is a heart-wrenching, cock-hardening tale of forbidden love between two young sisters, one a prostitute, the other a shy virgin. In a harsh and cruel world, their love has to be strong for them to survive, so the sisters open their hearts - and body orifices - to each other. Things go rather well for both until the day little sister meets a man and discovers that cocks tastes better than oysters. Naturally, big sister ain't none too happy about that.
OK nudity. Sex is not very graphic.
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While you wait for the download, here is an interesting incest story, straight from the world's best-selling fantasy novel: The Bible.
Once upon a time there was town called Sodom. It was probably the first gay town in the history of mankind. The town people led a gay and peaceful life, spending their days happily sodomizing each other and occasionally organizing a rape party or two. Among the good people of Sodom, there was an uptight asshole whose asshole was so tight nobody wanted it (lubricant wasn't invented back then). Sexually frustrated, this person made an anonymous call to The Great and Almighty Homophope (also known as: God, Allah, The Greatest Serial Killer In The Universe, Yahweh, Jehovah, The Creator of All Things Including Aids, Cancer and Menstruation) to inform him of what was going on.
Upon hearing this news, God - The Original Gay Basher, peace and blessings be upon his great homophobic penis, sent three of his best investigators undercover to Sodom.
Upon arriving, the exterminating angels, disguised as men, lodged with a nice chum called Lot and had supper with his family.
Genesis 19:4-5 describes what followed, which confirms the verdict as to the sin of Sodom and its end:
But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, surrounded the house; and they called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may acquaint ourselves with their arses."
Now then our hero, Lot, being a man of great hospitality, said to the town people: "Knowest thou that these are my guests and thoust shall not violate the sanctity of their buttocks whilst they are under my roof. Thou can, however, have my virgin daughters instead."
The town people laughed at this, none too nicely: "HAHAHAHA!! Why would we want thy daughters? To get their maiden blood all over our shafts? Hand over the strangers now or we promise you are not going to defecate right for a month after we are done with you."
But Lot, being either incredibly honorable or just incredibly stupid, refused to yield. And so the horny inhabitants of Sodom prepared to make good their promise. But the exterminating angels came to Lot's rescue and struck the bad men with blindness so that they would never set their eyes upon a lovely arsehole again.

The Terminators then commanded Lot to gather his family and leave, revealing that they were sent to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. As they made their escape the angels commanded Lot and his family not to look back under any circumstance. However as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with fire and brimstone by Big Brother, Lot's wife, probably a blonde, looked back longingly at the city where she had many a great orgy, and became a pillar of salt.

Lot and his two daughters kept going higher into the hills. After some days and nights, they finally stopped. They stayed there for a while. They looked around. They rested. They found a cave in the mountains and lived there.
Finally, after some days, one daughter said to the other. "Now, we are all alone. All the people of our village of Sodom are dead. We have nothing left. We also have no men to become our husbands. We have only our father left. What shall we do?"
To that the other daughter said "It is important that we find a way to preserve our family's heritage. We also must not let our vagina go to waste, for wasting is a sin."

So, after much thinking and deliberating, the wise virgins came upon a brilliant plan that hit two birds with one stone. They found some grapes and made them into wine. To this wine, they added a secret ingredient taught by their mother. They got their father drunk and proceeded to put his penis inside them. Lot was so wasted he forgot all notions of morality and had a lot of fun with his lovely maiden daughters. Whether together they had a ménage-à-trois or it was just one girl at a time still remains a matter of great speculation among scholars.

The morning after, Lot remembered nothing, thus felt no guilt at all. This, then, was the effect of the secret ingredient. This ingredient would later be commonly known as roofie or ruffie, or easy-lay, which is God's most miraculous creation to date, for it will let you get into the pants of any man, woman or tranny.
Lot's sperms were strong and manly and so in no time the not-so-virgin-anymore daughters became pregnant. They gave birth to two sons.
The first son was named Moab (which in Hebrew meant "from the father"). He was the patriarch of the nation known as Moab. The second son was named Ammon or Ben-Ammi. He became the patriarch of the nation of Ammon.
Thus ends the story of Lot and his wise daughters.
The moral of the story is this: Not only incest is cheap and handy, it also helps preserving one's family line, prevents perfectly good pussies from going to waste and produces great babies that will become leaders of nations.
Want to bear a son that will be the President of the US of A or the Prime Minister of China? Best get yourself some date rape drug asap and put that fatherly dick to work.
Where to get roofie?
If you live in America, call (202) 626-8800 for a free sample of date rape drug.
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