For two people in a marriage to live together day after day is unquestionably the one miracle the Vatican has overlooked. -- Bill Cosby

I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry. -- Rita Rudner.
Two gal pals (one Muslim, one Jewish) in Nazi-occupied Tunis try to cling to each other despite their differences in “The Wedding Song.” Second feature by Karin Albou (“Little Jerusalem”) is a bold, very carnal take on adolescent female bonding in a setting not often portrayed onscreen, and including areas normally forbidden to male viewers. Small but ambitious movie should be able to sing its way into fests and arthouses, with only its explicit nudity limiting commercial prospects.
Together with “Little Jerusalem,” pic confirms Albou as a new and original voice. Her preoccupations include feminine sexuality and Jewish and Arab culture and religion — plus the major and minor clashes all these elements provoke when thrown together. -- Read the full review.
After Asfour Stah, here is another Tunisian movie that offers yet another sweet glimpse at the inside of a hammam (public bathhouse). But Le chant des mariées (2008) also has something much more interesting: a ritual removal of the bride's pubic hair before the wedding. Sure I know marriage always comes with a price but I never thought it would be that painful. The method involved in the pubic hair removal looks like it hurts like a son of a bitch but it is extremely effective, I have to give it that. Afterward, the
girl's pipe cleaner looks so clean you could eat
Password: accatone
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