A nymphomaniac is a women as obsessed with sex as the average man. -- Mignon McLaughlin

Another good French erotica by a master of the genre, Max Pécas himself. The nudity is not very explicit and there is a not a lot of sex either but worth watching for the beautiful, nekkid femmes in it.
There is one very valuable thing you can learn in this film: if ever you become uninterested in sex and your marriage risks coming apart because of it, do not waste your time and money on a therapist. Don't try adultery either, that way lies costly divorce. Try falling down an elevator shaft instead. Yes, you read that right. Then you'll be be burning with sexual desires. You see, in Je Suis Une Nymphomane, our heroine falls down an elevator shaft, wakes up and becomes a nymphomaniac. Her fiancee isn't very happy about it. That's just the way male mentality works: men love to fool around with a slut but they don't want to marry one.
I hope someone would make movie called "I Am A Genophobic Nymphomaniac". Now that would be something to see.
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